CRMOS committee - meet the team!

Nick Lantzke | Co-President

Nick and Jemma aim to represent junior doctors working at Charlie’s and advocate your interests. If you have problems at your workplace or ideas for the Society, please speak to us or send an email!

Jemma Green | Co-President

Jemma and Nick aim to represent junior doctors working at Charlie’s and advocate your interests. If you have problems at your workplace or ideas for the Society, please speak to us or send an email!

Jonathan Pang | Secretary & IT Officer

Jonathan is an excellent contact if you have suggestions for the society, or are interested in specific information about society initiatives.

Jonathan also holds the role of IT Officer, keeping our website up to date and helping the committee communicate with you.

Aidan Lewins | Treasurer

Aidan runs our finances. It’s with his keen eye that our budget stays in balance and food orders continue to arrive in the DCR.


Tatiana Ninkov | Committee Liaison Officer (CLO)

Tatiana, as CLO, helps to represent the Society at meetings and other communications within the hospital and with external parties.

Pujan Bajaria | DCR Manager

Doctors Common Room manager handles all things DCR! Whether you have any requests for food, interesting ways we could utilise the space, or yet another request for the wifi password, you can direct these questions to Puj in the DCR!

Nicholas Pizzino | Education Rep

Shahadah, Daniel and Nicholas form our team of education reps for 2024. They will be working with various sectors within the hospital to improve and expand the education opportunities for junior doctors.

Daniel Fasser | Education Rep

Shahadah, Daniel and Nicholas form our team of education reps for 2024. They will be working with various sectors within the hospital to improve and expand the education opportunities for junior doctors.


Shahadah Johari | Education Rep

Shahadah, Daniel and Nicholas form our team of education reps for 2024. They will be working with various sectors within the hospital to improve and expand the education opportunities for junior doctors.

Anna Cartwright | Social Rep & Cocktail Rep

Anna and Ben arrange monthly catch ups, end-of-term drinks, and a number of other social events for CRMOS members. These events are great ways to stay connected. Stay tuned for upcoming events on our website, Facebook page or Instagram page!

They will also be organising the annual Charlie’s Cocktail Party - a fun and inclusive event for JMOs and other staff at Charlie’s. Save the date!

Ben Just | Social Rep & Cocktail Rep

Ben and Anna arrange monthly catch ups, end-of-term drinks, and a number of other social events for CRMOS members. These events are great ways to stay connected. Stay tuned for upcoming events on our website, Facebook page or Instagram page!

They will also be organising the annual Charlie’s Cocktail Party - a fun and inclusive event for JMOs and other staff at Charlie’s. Save the date!

Roheeth de Lima | Registrar Representative

Roheeth represents the interests and wellbeing of all SCGOPHCG Registrars! Please direct any concerns you may have here.


Sachin Boniface | Intern Rep

Sachin and Stephanie aim to represent the interests and wellbeing of the SCGH 2024 Interns! Interns can direct any concerns they have here.

Stephanie Tan | Intern Rep

Stephanie and Sachin aim to represent the interests and wellbeing of the SCGH 2024 Interns! Interns can direct any concerns they have here.

Jessica Kopec | Wellbeing Rep

Working in the hospital can be difficult, and it is essential that staff have opportunities to debrief, stay healthy, and remain happy. Jessica will be facilitating these opportunities, as well as providing a point of contact for doctors requiring support.

Eoin Downes | IMG Representative

Eoin represents all International Medical Graduates (IMGs) working at Charlie’s. Please contact him if you have any concerns you have while working here.


Ellen Hockley | Sponsorship

Sponsorship is one of the cornerstones of bringing value back to the society. Ellen and Beth will be working with sponsors to bring you free lunches and cheaper social events. If you know anyone interested in sponsoring the society, send a message!

Beth Crostella | Sponsorship

Sponsorship is one of the cornerstones of bringing value back to the society. Beth and Ellen will be working with sponsors to bring you free lunches and cheaper social events. If you know anyone interested in sponsoring the society, send a message!

Brittany Webster | Social Media Rep

Britt is our Social Media Rep for 2024. Keep an eye out for our latest updates - including sponsored food in the DCR, upcoming events and more!